12 Forgotten Hotties From The Buffyverse

9. Inca Mummy Girl

Inca Mummy Girl The Inca Mummy girl, who assumed the name of Ampata Gutierrez, was an undead Incan princess who was accidentally released in the second season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the episode (oh so imaginatively titled) "Inca Mummy Girl". In life, she was made a princess by the Incan people when she was only sixteen and was later given as a sacrifice for the mountain god, Sebancaya. She eventually became part of an Incan mummy exhibit, touring places like Boston, Atlanta and New York. A full half a millennium after her death, the exhibit went on tour to the Sunnydale Museum, where she was accidentally awoken by a Sunnydale High student named Rodney Munson when he damaged the sacred seal that was keeping her "asleep". Upon her release, she was able to stay alive by sucking the life out of others - including poor Rodney - giving her more mobility and leaving his mummified corpse in her tomb to take her place. She also killed and assumed the identity of Ampata Gutierrez, the foreign exchange student whom Buffy Summers and her mother were to host - bringing her in to contact with the Slayer and her friends and family. She took a liking to Xander but was discovered to be a risk to him and Willow and was attacked by Buffy. Beautiful, but deadly and... well... slightly gross when you think about it.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.