12 Most Anxiety-Inducing Sci-Fi TV Shows EVER

7. Lost

Black Mirror Playtest

Yeah, you know what? Say what you will about the eventual disappointing conclusion of JJ Abrams' infamously impenetrable time-twisting sci-fi drama mash-up, the show was damn anxiety inducing during its blockbuster original run.

Before viewer interest waned and the show became a tired and convoluted mess, early seasons of Lost got by on endless tension and frequent shocking twists, with each episode ending on an intense and irresistible cliffhanger which drew viewers right back in for the next instalment.

No, it could never live up to our expectations, but like Twin Peaks before it, this genre-twister was a masterpiece of elevated tension and jacked up audience heart rates.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.