12 Most Heartbreaking Moments In Star Trek

9. Picard Informs The Crew Of Sito's Sacrifice - The Next Generation 'Lower Decks'

spock crying

Sito Jaxa was a relatively small character in her first appearance as one of Wesley Crusher's cohorts, involved in the accidental death of their friend. She could have been an easily forgotten throwaway character, never seen again.

The decision to bring her back for season seven's Lower Decks then was a great way to expand on a character who audiences were familiar with but only to a tiny extent. What the episode manages to do in forty minutes to establish her as a strong character to root for and then shatter hearts as Picard speaks to the crew.

Sito comes with a heavy backstory. She is Bajoran and as such she is familiar with both brutality and oppression. To then agree to escort a Cardassian back home in the guise of a prisoner takes tremendous bravery. She able and willing to do her part as a Starfleet officer, ready to prove to those who say she did not deserve the uniform that she has everything and more.

But, as her friends wait for news of her secret mission, Picard's voice echoes through the ship, informing them that she was killed as she attempted to return to the Federation, another casualty of the long and bitter fighting between the two races.

While they speak of her valour and distinction, her friends think of her spirit and personality. She may have been a relatively background character, one of the many - but to them, she was one of the few.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick