12 Most Heartbreaking Moments In Star Trek

8. Soren's Plea For Acceptance - The Next Generation 'The Outcast'

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The J'Naii have no gender. They simply are what they are and there is no deviance from this. So, when Soren meets and falls for Riker, there is a conflict. To admit her feelings, Soren must confront the fact that she identifies as female in a society that will punish her with 're-education' for doing so. The risk is great but she is brought before a magistrate to be sentenced.

There follows a beautifully poignant speech where Soren begs for those present to open their eyes and open their hearts to the possibilty of differences in their race. She is just Soren, she is no different from who she was the day before and she will go on being herself if possible. She just wants to go to work, to be free to love whoever she wants and to be accepted.

But the J'naii are not ready for this, reflecting much of humankind at the time. Soren's story is one of transgender and persecution. She is clear in her wish not to push anyone else to believe in what she is. She is clear that she has no wish to encourage others to feel the same.

She simply wants to live. When this plea falls on deaf ears, Riker attempts to take her away, first legally and then when this doesn't work, illegally by rescuing her. He is too late. A victim of this pyschotectic therapy. She apologises to him and leaves. The matter is defeated. The J'naii have quietly removed another threat to unity.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick