12 Most Heartbreaking Moments In Star Trek

7. Jadzia Dies - Deep Space Nine 'Tears Of The Prophets'

Both on screen and off, Terry Farrell's departure from Deep Space Nine was a time of sadness for Star Trek fans and crew alike. Farrell had attempted to negotiate a smaller amount of appearances in the show, allowing her then to explore other avenues of work. This was flatly denied and the decision was made to kill the character. As a result of this behind the scenes strife, a very painful moment took place on screen.

Jadzia is casually and brutally murdered by a possessed Gul Dukat. It is an entirely collateral kill as Dukat even remarks on himself. While the symbiont is saved, allowing for the introduction of Ezri Dax in the following season, Bashir is unable to save Jadzia.

Worf's howl over her body is truly disturbing. There is no honour or glory in this death. This was a sad, needless death that makes no sense. Sisko comments on this himself over her coffin before his emotions overcome him and decides that all he can do is tuck tail and return home, finally giving up the fight for the time being.

Ironically, as awful as this death was, the raw anger and pain that is expressed on screen is plainly clear to see. Whether it was the loss of Dax or the loss of Farrell, the closing minutes of Tears of the Prophets serve as some of the deepest and darkest moments of the entire Dominion War.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick