12 Problems Only Doctor Who Fans Will Understand

11. You Are Always Going To Be Proven Wrong

This ties in with the last entry. The fact there's always going to be fans who have been watching Doctor Who for longer than you means there's going to be people who think - either rightly or wrongly - that they know more about it than you do, too. It's true of most things in life, really. Experience - usually - means knowledge (just look how clever the Doctor is after 2,000 years, for example!) but there's a community of 'purist' Whovians (they even hate being called 'Whovians', so let's keep calling 'em it!) who seemingly get pleasure out of proving the 'newbies' wrong. You've probably come across one or two of them in your time, especially if you're an active member on a Doctor Who forum or message board. On social media they're usually the ones who spend their time tweeting about how awful the revived series is and you can guarantee they'll pop up in an episode discussion campaigning for Steven Moffat's immediate removal as showrunner. Needless to say, just because you like Steven Moffat's interpretation of the series, it doesn't make you wrong. They'll try their very best to prove you otherwise, of course, but in this day and age there's such a thing as 'each to their own' which means, generally speaking, that you can do, say, sing and watch whatever the hell you bloody like. The Doctor Who fandom is one of those rare TV communities in that it's made up of people arguing within it, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles. It's what you get for loving something so damned much. It can make you go crazy. The Doctor's worth it though, right?
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.