12 Saddest Bojack Horseman Episodes

10. That Went Well - S3E12

Bojack Horseman

The season three finale follows on from the tragic death of Sarah Lynn (an episode that we will get to soon), and focuses on how BoJack is trying to cope. He lost someone close to him, and because he is BoJack Horseman, he struggled to process and move forward in a healthy way.

The episode opens with a flashback to when he tried to get Sarah Lynn on the BoJack Horseman Show many years ago. She felt let down by her old co-star, because he only reached out and came to see her because he wanted her to guest star on his show. It's horrible to think about disappointing someone when there's absolutely nothing that you can do about it.

A big chunk of this episode juxtaposes BoJack's sadness with a couple of ludicrous Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter angles, while the star of Horsin' Around decides to take a risk and move forward with its spin-off, Ethan Around. After getting scared about becoming a role model once again however, he just gets in his car and drives, abandoning yet another project.

The end of the episode, and the season, is incredibly emotional, as the titular character contemplates suicide. Outside of California and on the highway, BoJack puts his foot down, takes his hands off the wheel, and closes his eyes. It's only when he happens to notice a herd of horses running down below that he stops. For whatever reason, potentially taking his mind back to Secretariat's advice to just keep running in the face of adversity, BoJack decided not to kill himself.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.