12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Bojack Horseman
6. Todd’s Shoes

Quite a weird one now, and one only Todd could be connected with. In Season Five, Todd dates fellow asexual Yolanda, and in his typical style ends up getting into a wacky adventure.
This time, it’s when he meets her parents, a heavily sexual couple made up of an adult film star and a lubricant entrepreneur. Todd ends up slipping on the barrel of lubricant, losing a shoe in the process.
In most shows, that would be the end of it. Then again, most shows wouldn’t have two positively depicted asexuals involved in a lubricant fuelled misunderstanding.
From that point in Season Five onwards, Todd is rarely shown wearing matching shoes again. To the show’s credit, they play this visual gag quite subtly, often matching Todd’s remaining brown shoe with a similar black one. It’s done so well that you’ll hardly notice it, but so deliberately that once you see it, you won’t miss it.
It isn’t a laugh out loud hilarious gag, but it shows BoJack’s willingness to commit to a bit, as well as their thought process and minute attention to detail.