12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

8. Walt's Death Was Sealed In Crawl Space

Breaking Bad Walter White Bryan Cranston Crawl Space

Crawl Space is one of Breaking Bad's most memorable episodes, and that almost has everything to do with Walt's freakout right at the end.

After being driven out to the desert by Gus and having the safety of his entire family threatened, he rushes back home and climbs into the crawl space where his money is kept. After realising it's all gone and they have no way of escaping, he starts manically laughing, before stopping and staring into space, while the camera zooms out and frames a haunting image where it looks like he's dead and in a coffin.

This camera movement is virtually identical to the one that happens after Walt dies for real in Felina, confirming his fate was sealed all the way back in Season 4.

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