12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Breaking Bad

7. Saul Directly Mentions His Post Breaking Bad Career

Better Call Saul Cinnabon

So this is technically only a detail that becomes apparent if you also watch Better Call Saul, but let's face it, what kind of Breaking Bad fan would you be if you didn't also follow its spin-off?

Either way, Saul actually spouted some prophetic words before he left for his own time in the limelight, telling Walter while the two were in the process of fleeing Albuquerque that he'd be lucky to be "managing a Cinnabon at the mall" after everything he'd been through and done.

Cut to Better Call Saul which featured a few flash-forwards set post BB, and what is Saul doing?

Managing a Cinnabon at a mall in Omaha.

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Breaking Bad
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