12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Parks & Recreation

1. Larry/Terry/Jerry/Gerry/Garry's Real Name Was Revealed In Season 4

Parks and Recreation Jerry

One of the most beloved running Parks and Rec jokes is the ongoing saga of Jim O'Heir's character's real name. Initially being introduced as "Jerry", it was revealed in the Season 4 episode, The Trial of Leslie Knope, that his real name is actually Garry. His old boss got his name wrong decades ago, and it just stuck.

The revelation doesn't make the rest of the Parks department actually start referring to him by his real name, of course, and by the end of the show he's been known as Jerry, Terry, Larry, before finally being referred to by his real name.

However, while the revelation is used as a surprising punchline to a joke, it was actually given away the episode prior to it being brought up. There, Jerry/Gerry/Terry/Larry/Garry quickly flashes Tom his ID card and, if you look closely, you'll see his real name is actually printed on it.


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