12 Star Trek Characters Who Changed The Most

9. Odo

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan
CBS Media Ventures

Odo manages to go from a cold chief of security in the pilot to a warm chief of security in the last episode, before disappearing into the goo. On the surface, that's not much of a journey!

All credit for Odo's growth goes to Rene Auberjonois, who managed to take the words as written and, over the years of playing this character, bring more and more personality out in the changeling. Odo easily takes the title of fan favourite quite quickly, even with a slightly hammy introduction.

In Emissary, Odo is shown to be a changeling in one of the better character introduction scenes, though his 'need' to visit the Denorios Belt feels...forced. This is a small complaint. Odo then becomes an archetype of tough security chief for the majority of the first season but already begins his warming going into the second.

By the third season and the reveal of his origins, Odo has become one of the pillars of the main cast. He is strong, he is dependable, he is resolute. Through episodes like Improbable Cause, Heart of Stone and The Adversary, he solidifies himself as a member of the crew. Going into the show's fourth and fifth seasons, we see him grappling with his change of being.

Odo never truly strays away from any kind of loyalty to his friends, but his exploration of his nature is as important to him as his feelings for Colonel Kira. Auberjonois brought humanity to him in a way that was perhaps unexpected in the beginning and he is very sorely missed.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick