12 Star Trek Characters Who Changed The Most

8. Kira

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan

Nana Visitor is one of the greatest actors to have passed through the Star Trek franchise. There, I said it.

Kira is a character who would be incredibly difficult to sell for a television series today. She is one of the good guys - so much so that she is the first officer of the show before eventually rising to commander of the station. Also, she has a history of an unrepentent terrorist.

Of all others on this list, Kira, in a way, perhaps changes the least. She arrives on screen as an almost fully developed character, full of anger at the situation she now finds herself in thanks to her government's invitation to the Federation to take the Cardassians' place, or so she sees it.

This isn't a viewpoint that particularly changes quickly, yet her relationships with her co-workers helps to soften this a bit. The revelation that Sisko is the Emissary forces her hand a little.

While we see her personal side soften in her engagements with Bareil and Shaakar, it is perhaps Dax and, eventually, Odo that help to bring her walls down. She is the character with the single most traumatic backstory in the franchise, so to allow this to remain a part of her daily life while also growing as a person is a testament to excellent writing and tremendous acting.

In that final scene, when she puts her hand on Jake's shoulder - she truly is a carer, a guide, a leader and a Bajoran woman at peace with her story.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick