12 Stupidest Decisions By Star Trek Characters
7. Janeway Gives The Hirogen Holographic Tech
The equivalent of giving Guy Fawkes the keys to a gunpowder factory.
Season four of Voyager contains the epic Hirogen arc culminating in a ceasefire at the end of The Killing Game two parter. The Delta Quadrant's feared hunters have ransacked the ship, dangerously expanded the holodecks and placed virtually the whole crew in mortal danger as part of their hunts. The Doctor has been overrun dealing with injury after injury since the safety systems are off and it's just getting worse.
When the crew do manage to turn the tide in an epic cross-holodeck battle, the Hirogen realise it's time to calm it down. Both sides part ways and Janeway in her infinite wisdom gives them holodeck technology so they can hunt without the need of real people.
Hang fire a second, isn't this what caused the whole incident in the first place? Wasn't holodeck technology completely misused so that the Hirogen could hunt in different environments, ransack the ship, expanded the holodecks and placed virtually the whole crew in mortal danger?
The great thing with this stupid decision by Janeway is that it all comes back to bite them in the behind during season 7's Flesh and Blood, proving for once that not all stupid decisions go unpunished.