12 Stupidest Decisions By Star Trek Characters
6. Romulan Commander Trusts Spock; The Enterprise Incident
One of Starfleet's most revered officers is killed and his first officer gets to rub noses with an experienced Romulan Commander.
Nothing suspicious there at all. Even to the point where the Romulan Commander invites Spock to her quarters and may as well give him the keys to the Warbird.
The episode doesn't help in portraying the Romulan Commander as a strong female character since she is easily swayed by one logical Vulcan. This distraction in turn provides the chance for a disguised Kirk to sneak aboard her ship and steal a cloaking device which was the plan all along.
The Romulans and in particular their commander, let their guard down completely around Spock assuming that he cannot in any way be playing them. After all, Vulcans are logical and do not lie so what threat can he pose?
An absolutely massive one you would suspect and for one of the few times you can believe viewers were screaming at the TV to make the Romulans see the light. They allow him unprecedented access to their ship, wines and dines the boss and not a word is said. Odd considering they must know a lot about Spock and his Starfleet career since he's the only Vulcan in the organisation and hardly conspicuous.