12 Things That Make No Sense In BoJack Horseman

2. Sarah Lynn's Overdose

BoJack Horseman

The end of season three starts off on an insanely depressing note when Bojack convinces Sarah Lynn to go on an epic bender with him, despite her coming up on almost nine months of sobriety. The pair end up getting high for months, ending their trip in the planetarium where Sarah Lynn dies after overdosing from a strand of heroin called Bojack.

But it should have been impossible for her to have even found that strand of heroin in Bojack's glove compartment. Because while it was discovered that the drug came from ex Horsin Around star Goober's drug operation hiding behind an orca stripper park that's fun for the whole family, his entire operation was busted by the cops and the drugs were taken away.

In fact, Bojack never personally touches a single packet of the drug. Diane is the one given the heroin and probably gave that packet to the cops. So it makes no sense for the heroin to show up in his glove compartment. Did he steal a packet when the cops freed them from Goober? Was the drug available elsewhere? Did he get it from Diane? Either way, the mysterious heroin just seemed to appear when it shouldn't have.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.