12 Things That Make No Sense In BoJack Horseman

6. Ethan Around

BoJack Horseman

Bojack and Bradley, aka Ethan from Horsin Around, never really spoke to each other when they worked together, or even after the show until Bojack finds out there was going to be a sequel show made without him, called Ethan Around. Bojack tries to get into the show and then abandons it when he felt he was too famous to work in a sitcom again.

But after Sarah Lynn's death, Bojack actually did want to do the show. He even spent quality time with Bradley, working on lines and giving his character Ethan the best comedic lines, showing one of the only real bonding moments we see between the pair.

Everything was going fine until Bojack had a panic attack after talking to a little girl that reminded him too much of Sarah Lynn, and he left the show. And then he never calls his costar again, leading to the show never even being produced due to losing its big-name star. We don't know what happened to Bradley, and we also don't know why Bojack never even apologized to him when he was making amends to people in season six, including other cast and crew members of Horsin Around.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.