12 Things That Make No Sense In BoJack Horseman

5. Bojack's Pool

BoJack Horseman

Bojack Horseman's house is the most recognizable location from the show, due to it being one of the main locations throughout the series, where most of the cast spend a lot of their time. But something about his home seems impossibly sturdy, aka his seemingly indestructible pool.

Not only has this pool taken beatings from multiple parties, but it also has had the d from the Hollywood sign and an entire Tesla thrown in there, not even mentioning Bojack's massive boat, the S.S. Escape from L.A., which was docked inside the pool with somehow no hassle at all, or any massive strain placed on the wooden patio surrounding the pool.

His pool isn't even on land it's just on some wooden stilts holding the house precariously over the L.A. cliffside. So it doesn't seem likely that it could take on such a tremendous strain. Also, the deepness of this pool has seemed to be nearly impossible to guess, with said tesla being almost submerged in it, yet all exterior shots of the house make the pool look barely four feet deep. Whoever is Bojack's renovator clearly does not get enough credit.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.