12 Things That Make No Sense In BoJack Horseman

4. Todd's Prison Time

BoJack Horseman

Todd involves himself in a plethora of wacky adventures outside of Bojack's couch, starting with his first-ever monetary venture with Princess Carolin in which they created an overelaborate scam turning Bojack's house into David Boreanaz's house, inevitably ending with the young entrepreneur going to prison for the better part of a week.

Fortunately, before he was almost executed gang-style in the L.A. prison, the D from the Hollywood sign fell from a crashing helicopter into the prison, releasing most of the prisoners into the wild, including the loveable couch surfer.

After Todd escapes prison he continues to work for multiple sometimes successful companies and involves himself with all sorts of famous people. Yet every time he got a job as a CEO or multimillionaire or hot new model, no cops or lawyers or janitors or businessmen ever seemed to run a background check into Todd's past, which if they did they would blatantly see that he has a prison record. Thus, by sheer luck, he has been allowed to work in many places where he probably shouldn't have been able to, due to being an escaped convict which is still illegal, even in Hollywoo.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.