12 Most Touching Moments On The Simpsons

2. We'll Really Miss You, Mrs. K

Episode: Season 25 - "Four Regrettings and a Funeral" There's simply no way to avoid this, even if it hurts. At the beginning of "Four Regrettins and a Funeral," in the opening title sequence, Bart is seen writing a single line on the blackboard: "We'll really miss you, Mrs. K." It's the only time Bart is noticeably sad in the opening credits. It became a meme posted all over social media in 2013/2014, honouring an actress who, while unrecognisable in the flesh to many fans, still had a huge impact on their formative years. The the world learned of the passing of Marcia Wallace, the voice behind the wise-cracking elementary school teacher that ruled Bart's world at Springfield Elementary, in late 2013. For many Simpsons fans old and new, her "Hah!" is ingrained in their memory nearly as much as Homer's "D'oh!" Mrs. Krabappel was a huge part of the show, and her character was retired in the wake of Wallace's death. Though characters, and guest stars, of the show had passed before, none had the impact of Wallce, whose death reminded us that even something with the timelessness of The Simpsons is bound by the laws of mortality.
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.