12 Worst TV Shows Of 2018

3. Heathers

Heathers 2018
Lakeshore Entertainment

No matter how ill-advised the shows on this list were, only one of them actually ended up having their initial U.S. TV premiere cancelled due to content concerns, and that's Heathers.

A fundamentally wrong-footed attempt to retool the classic 1988 comedy movie as the wet dream of "SJW"-hating Conservatives, the new Heathers inverts the dynamic of the original movie by making woke students the bullies, while the jocks et al. are the new victims.

By completing ignoring the context of contemporary social structures and how the world has changed since 1988, Heathers finds itself struggling to lock down a core audience.

Despite the potential appeal of the sarcastic, barbed dialogue, both liberal youngsters and fans of the original movie will likely be turned off by the political switcharoo, and can you really imagine Trump lovers actually watching this?

It's incredible that anyone thought this would fly, though the results are at least fascinating in their awfulness.

While stylishly shot and well-acted, Paramount were right to quietly dump this one, finally giving edited versions of the episodes an unceremonious airing in late October.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.