13 Badass Doctor Who Moments That Made Us All Cheer

12. The Doctor And The Daleks Meets Again

So the Doctor just told the Daleks that he was going to save Rose from the Daleks ship. Immediately, he went off with his TARDIS and brushed off everything the Daleks threw at him on the way, peeling off their defenses and materializing inside their ship rescuing Rose. He goes out of the Door of the TARDIS as if what was outside was nothing. He reminds the Daleks their ancestors called him "The Oncoming Storm" and that while they were wiped out of their emotions he bets that a spark of fear is still in them and that it burns now that they are in front of him. The Doctor met their leader, the Dalek Emperor. The Daleks warned the Doctor not to interrupt the Emperor when he was talking. The Doctor reacts by showing his rage to the Daleks, and the Daleks moved backwards in fear. What makes it so badass, is that the episode with a Dalek before, established that only one Dalek is enough to kill the entire population of earth. Turns out, even with a billion of them, they are still afraid of the Doctor. Hail the Doctor, the "Oncoming Storm."

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