13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

5. Nina Myers - 24

24 Nina Myers death

Nina Myers is without question Jack Bauer's most fierce and iconic foe, having been revealed to be a turncoat at the end of season one, and despite being captured, she managed to murder Jack's pregnant wife Teri before being taken into custody. Nina appeared briefly in the second season as a source of information about the nuclear bomb, though managed to take Jack hostage after a deadly plane crash, before being disarmed and led away.

Nina appears once again in season three as she attempts to acquire a biological weapon and crosses paths with Jack. This eventually leads to her being captured and taken to CTU, where she causes herself intentional neck trauma in an attempt to get to the ICU, where security is more limited. Nina attempts to escape but is held at gunpoint by Jack's daughter Kim, though Nina raises her own gun to shoot a nervous Kim, just before Jack guns her down at the last minute.

A wounded Nina desperately reaches for her gun on the floor, and as she attempts to buy some time, Jack blasts her dead in one of the show's most cathartic and gratifying moments.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.