13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

4. The Governor - The Walking Dead

The Governor

The Governor is the tyrannical leader of Woodbury, Georgia in The Walking Dead, first appearing in the third season of the show and quickly becoming an enemy of Rick Grimes. He rules with a violent, authoritatian hand, though often attempts to downplay his demeanour to those around him, and most disturbingly has a zombie daughter named Penny who he continues to nurture and feed body parts to. After Michonne kills Penny, a fight ensues and The Governor is stabbed in the eye with a shard of glass, leading to the iconic eye patch look from the comics.

He eventually wages a war against the prison survivors which he promptly loses, though when much of his army flees, he ends up murdering the majority of them in rage. The Governor re-appears part-way through season four, meeting and ultimately residing with the Chambler family and appearing to somewhat redeem himself. This all goes awry when he meets up with old buddy Martinez and murders him alongside Pete in order to take control of his camp. He then gears up for another assault on the prison.

By this point, The Governor has Hershel and Michonne held hostage and decapitates Hershel with her sword before the assault begins. The Governor gets the better of Rick, but is stabbed in the back by Michonne, before Lilly Chambler shoots him in the head. He came so close to redemption, but old habits do indeed die hard, and people don't really change all that much. Rot in peace.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.