13 Despicable TV Villains Who Were Finally Delivered Justice

3. Walter White - Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad Walter White death

Walter White pretty much defines the phrase "anti-hero", given how he started out as a high-school science teacher, and following a cancer diagnosis decided to become a meth cook and dealer in order to secure a future for his family.

His character arc has been described by series creator Vince Gilligan as the transformation from Mr. Chips to Scarface, and that it certainly was. Walter slowly became a bada**, what with his explosive showdowns with drug dealers, and even committing a little vehicular manslaughter in order to save Jesse one time.

Killing drug dealers is one thing, but what about the truly heinous things he's done? Allowing Jane to choke to death on her own vomit, which ended up causing a catastrophic plane crash? Making Jesse kill Gale? Killing Mike? Poisoning Brock? Walter has done his fare share of unambiguously awful things throughout Breaking Bad, and so it was fitting that he went out in a hail of bullets in the series finale, ultimately succumbing to a bullet wound from his mounted machine gun as he took down Uncle Jack's gang and saved Jesse.

Walt may have redeemed himself slightly by ensuring his family's livelihood and keeping Jesse alive, but he still deserved to die after all of the terrible things he's done. As Badfinger's closing song Baby Blue tells us, "I guess got what deserved."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.