13 Great Non-Doctor Who Performances By Each Doctor

11. Matt Smith In Last Night In Soho

The Suicide Squad Clifford DeVoe Thinker Peter Capaldi

Matt Smith has had a slightly rocky run of credits following Doctor Who, from Ryan Gosling's woeful Lost River to Terminator: Genisys. However, his work in The Crown, which added layers to our rather two-dimensional understanding of tactless, racist old Prince Phillip and his villainous turn in Edgar Wright's Last Night in Soho show us that there's hope for him yet.

Smith excels as the initially charming but increasingly sinister Jack. As he transforms from charismatic talent scout to snarling misogynist, the illusions of the glamorous world of 1960s London are shattered. It's Smith's most accomplished role as a villain to date, much more focused in his unpleasantness compared to the wild excesses of his role as Bully in Lost River, most of which reportedly ended up on the cutting room floor.

Without wanting to spoil too much of the film, his character goes to some very dark places and Smith is absolutely committed to the role, comfortably shrugging off the trappings of his previous work in Doctor Who. Smith's next role is as Loxias Crown in Marvel/Sony's Morbius, thus continuing his track record of playing villains and completing the set of post-2005 male Doctors who have played comic book villains.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.