13 Most Memorable Doctor Who Guest Stars

2. John Cleese in €˜City of Death€™

I€™ll admit it right now, I did not this was coming. An all-round stellar episode in anyone€™s book, €˜City of Death€™ featured the Fourth Doctor and the Second Romana in a bid to stop Julian Glover (aka, the big-a** spider from the €˜Chamber of Secrets€™) from stealing the Mona Lisa so as to fund experiments for his own time machine €“ all written by Douglas Adams, no less. Forgive me for delving into Internet Speak but, epic win! Just to top off what was an already perfect episode of Who, the fourth instalment of the serial gave us a pleasant surprise in the form of John Cleese as€ somebody in an art gallery I suppose. Now granted I€™m not entirely sure who the woman he€™s talking to is, why he isn€™t doing anything especially funny (It€™s John Cleese! Indulge a little!), why he isn€™t the least bit fazed when the TARDIS dematerializes right in front of his very eyes or (to be frank) why on Earth he was needed to begin with, but seeing him for such a brief period of time and the way he comes out of nowhere just puts you in a good mood. It€™s Jim Corden all over again. Even when it was time for the final showdown between the Doctor and the villainous Scaroth I was still just sat on my sofa saying to myself, €œWow. That was John Cleese. Sweet.€
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I got bored one day, so I decided to write things on the Internet.