13 Most Shocking Breaking Bad Moments

11. The Turning Point

Breaking Bad Jesse

This might be the biggest turning point in the metamorphosis of Walter White. It's also one the first moments the show ever completely and utterly destroys its audience.

During the twelfth episode of Season Two, Walt is having a hard time with Jesse's girlfriend, Jane Margolis. Jane is threatening to expose Walt's secret life, and to top it off she and Jesse are fully hooked on heroin. When he goes into Jesse's to talk to his partner-in-crime, Walt finds them both passed out from drug use.

Whilst trying wake Jesse, Jane rolls onto her back and begins to choke on her vomit. Noticing this, Walt has ample time to help, but realises that with her gone he can better control Jesse (keeping him working and off drugs) and keep Jane from letting out his little Heisenberg secret.

It's a shocking and dark moment, and perfectly captures the twisting moral psyche of our protagonist. He is a man that will do anything for self-preservation from this moment on, even if it means letting someone die.

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