13 Most Shocking Breaking Bad Moments

10. Todd Shows His True Colours

Breaking Bad Jesse

Todd Alquist is one of Breaking Bad's most despicable characters, and that's saying a lot. His sudden growth from random side player eager to be noticed to cold and evil antagonist is made clear in the fifth episode of the final season, "Dead Freight."

During Walt, Jesse, Mike and Todd's heist on the freight train, where they attempt to steal a large supply of methylamine without bloodshed, Todd continues to vie for the great Heisenberg's respect. After the heist proves to be a success and the group celebrate, a kid on a bike rides up to them.

Everyone goes quiet as the kid waves, and when Todd waves back it looks as though all will be okay. Then, much to the horror of Walt, Jesse and the audience, Todd shoots the boy dead and the episode ends.

It's a brilliant moment of character development bolstered by a stunning performance from Jesse Plemons, and proves that even when Walt and Jesse try to do things properly something is bound to go wrong. In a show made up of shocks and excellent character arcs, Todd's murder of the child remains one of the show's most shocking and effective moments, creating an antagonist who you love to watch but hate without question.

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