13 Most Shocking Breaking Bad Moments

9. The End Of Gus Fring

Breaking Bad Jesse

In the world of Breaking Bad, there has been no character more reviled than Gus Fring, the druglord who spends his days working as the lovable owner of a fried chicken fast food empire. Perhaps the most memorable part of Gus' time on the show, outside of Giancarlo Esposito's blood-curdling performance, is the way he finally meets his demise.

During the season finale of Season Four - aptly titled "Face Off" - Walt is on a mission to kill Gus once and for all so he can step up as the new drug kingpin in town. Jesse relays through Saul Goodman that Gus is bitter enemies with Hector Salamanca, a former Mexican druglord.

Before Gus makes his way to kill Hector, who he believes is a federal informant, Walt offers the old Don the chance to kill his enemy.

When Gus arrives to finish the old man, Hector begins to ring the bell on his wheelchair, which Gus realises all-too-late is attached to a bomb under his seat. In what might be the show's most iconic and genuinely shocking moment, the bomb goes off, killing Hector, and Gus walks out the room looking somehow unharmed.

A quick change in camera angle proves otherwise, however, as Gus has lost half his face in the explosion. As he calmly adjusts his tie, he falls to the floor, dead.

It's a stunning and grim scene, but given how evil Gus was throughout the show, it was a well-deserved way to go.

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