13 Most Shocking Breaking Bad Moments

8. Walt Jr Doesn't Hold Back

Breaking Bad Jesse

In many respects, Walt Jr (or Flynn) is Breaking Bad's most tragic character, a scared and unjustly sidelined son who never knows what's going on in his parents' lives and is constantly at odds with both of them.

Though Walter manages to make some kind of peace with the rest of the characters in the show, even Skyler and Jesse, the one person he is never able to make amends with is his own son. During their final confrontation, over the phone in the show's penultimate episode, Walt Jr paraphrases the words he said to his father in the very first season: "Why don't you just die already? Just die." And hangs up.

Considering the amount of people Walter screwed over, betrayed and still managed to make some sort of peace with, there is a moment in this confrontation where you can't help but think that the two will make amends and have a tearful goodbye.

What we get instead is a brutal final word from Walt Jr, and a final reminder that Walter is a doomed man who is going to die alone as the villain of his own story.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.