13 Most Shocking Breaking Bad Moments

7. The Repercussions Of Walt's Actions

Breaking Bad Jesse

There's a piece of you that hopes, watching Breaking Bad, that every terrible that happens will be the last of it. With every thing that goes wrong, there's a part of you that constantly thinks everything will be okay now, because surely it can't get any worse. Then, without fail, and just when you're getting comfortable, something even worse happens.

It's always to do with Walter White, right from the beginning. Be it roping Jesse further into the drug trade and setting in motion the various tragedies of the show, Walter is always at the root of the most tragic moments.

After the death of Jane, Walt pushes it from his brain and focuses on getting him and Jesse back into business. What he doesn't think about is Donald, Jane's dad, who returns to work after his daughter's death as an air traffic controller.

On his first day back, his trauma and lack of focus causes two planes to collide with each other, killing 167 people over Albuquerque. He disappears from the show after that, a frank reminder of Walt's early sins as Heisenberg.

In Season Three, Walt overhears a radio broadcast that Donald has been rushed to hospital having shot himself in an attempted suicide, though whether he survived or not is never disclosed. Given the bleak nature of the show and Walt's ability to destroy all that he touches, it's likely he died soon after.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.