13 Reasons Why Season 4: 8 Questions It WILL Answer

7. Does The Show Need Ani?

13 Reasons Why Season 4 Clay Jensen Dylan Minnette

In a strange turn of events, 13 Reasons Why introduced a new female protagonist into the third season. That new protagonist was Ani, and while her existence felt like a plot device that the season needed - a new perspective on the Bryce Walker mystery - the show became far too reliant on her far too soon.

Whether it was her divisive approach to a matter that she didn't know enough about, her annoying tendency to pop up when she wasn't necessary or her constant berating of characters that the audience loved, there was simply too many off-putting things happening with Ani for viewers to respond to her in the way that the writers had hoped.

Again, the character functioned fine and there's certainly a place for her on the show, but has 13 Reasons Why learned its lesson and figured out that she isn't as important to the plot as the other long-standing characters? We'll find out in Season 4, won't we!


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.