13 Reasons Why Season 4: What The Ending REALLY Means

1. Hannah Baker's Story Is Over

13 Reasons Why Season 4 Justin Clay Jessica Tony

You could argue that Hannah Baker's story truly ended after the first season and that 13 Reasons Why decided to drag out the aftermath of it for another three seasons just so it could create more conflict. That said, the series finale wasn't going to bid its audience farewell without addressing how this story began one more time.

As Clay Jensen, Tony Padilla, Jessica Davis, Alex Standall, Tyler Down, Zach Dempsey, Charlie St. James, Ryan Shaver, Courtney Crimsen and Ani Achola buried Hannah's tapes - which Mrs. Baker had sent back to Clay and Tony - in the spot where Clay had first listened to them, there was a sense of reverence for the person who brought all of these people together in the first place.

People who either had little in common or just didn't like each other had come together out of grief, sadness, anger and, most important of all, love. An ending that paid tribute to the beginning, it signified that Hannah Baker's story had indeed come to an end, and all the people that were forever changed because of it.


What did you make of 13 Reasons Why's ending? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.