13 Worst TV Shows Of 2017

3. Inhumans

Marvel Inhumans Black Bolt Medusa

Everyone's least favourite Marvel showrunner Scott Buck screwed things up again with this horrendous superhero serial, which failed in practically every way that a Marvel series can.

The characters were boring, the acting was spaced-out and uninterested, the action sequences were choppily directed, and overall the whole production just felt low-rent and not befitting of the Marvel brand.

In conjunction with some of the year's most atrocious reviews, Inhumans was also a ratings bust, and even IMAX, who screened the first two episodes in their cinemas, effectively deemed the show's production shoddy.

At least oversized CGI dog Lockjaw was cute, but even he wasn't enough to stop many audiences from quickly peacing out after the two-part season premiere. Inhumans hasn't been officially cancelled yet, but it's most certainly toast owing to the near-universal derision with which it's been met.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.