13 Worst TV Shows Of 2017

5. Iron Fist

Iron Fist Costume Pic

You really are the worst Iron Fist ever, Finn Jones. Now, in fairness, Jones had some pretty horrendous material to work with in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first sure-fire critical bust, but the actor also failed to endear audiences to his obnoxious, often straight-up boring "hero", who barely even punches anyone for most of the season.

Yet another casualty of the Marvel Netflix bloat, Iron Fist runs for an excruciatingly boring 13 episodes, rife with soul-sucking subplots about business machinations, while enticing viewers with a far more interesting supporting character in Jessica Henwick's Colleen Wing.

It's an absolute slog to get through and the action sequences are horribly directed for the most part, so it wasn't terribly surprising to learn that showrunner Scott Buck was removed from his position for the currently-filming second season. It can't be worse, can it?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.