13 WTF Moments From American Horror Story: Asylum

3. Necrophilia

Poor Wendy, Lana's girlfriend, is another victim of Bloody Face and the torture imposed upon her did not stop once she was dead. When Dr Thredson is revealed to be the masked serial killer, he indulges Lana with a little secret about her dead girlfriend. After he had tortured her until she died, he used her dead body to help him master the art of sexual intercourse. He was struggling until he turned her corpse over so that he didn't have to stare into her lifeless eyes and of course, viewers get to watch him perform this horrendous deed. After he was finished, he cremated her. However, before he burned her body, he was able to extract some of her teeth which he used to decorate his mask. Everything about this is simply horrific and if it wasn't Lana's reaction to this news which evoked the deepest sympathies from the viewer, it was how happy Dr Thredson was with his actions.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com