14 Tales From The History Of Doctor Who From William Hartnell To Jodie Whittaker

10. Saving The Universe, Acting...And Directing?

Doctor Who 14 Doctors
BBC Studios

When Peter Davison took over the role of the Doctor in 1981, he was twenty-nine and, at the time, the youngest actor ever to play the part. While he would later relinquish that title to Matt Smith, the image of him as the young and dandy-haired Doctor would stick in the audiences' minds for years.

His stint at the controls of the TARDIS was brief, appearing in the 19th and 20th seasons of the show. His friends felt that he may have burned himself out from working too hard, as there was a mix up with the credits.

Davison's full name is Peter Malcom Gordon Moffett, whereas the director of several of his episodes was Peter Moffatt. The two names were close enough for him to have to field questions about this, but he didn't actually take on the director's role until 2013's The Five(ish) Doctor's Reboot!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick