15 Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In Doctor Who

5. The Morbius Doctors

A little trivia question for you all: when did Doctor Who first establish how many bodies the Doctor had gone through? While it only became definitive in The Five Doctors, it was more or less confirmed in The Three Doctors when the lead Time Lord character refers to William Hartnell€™s Doctor as €œthe earliest Doctor€. Something that producer Philip Hinchcliffe failed to take into account three years later. In 1976€™s The Brain Of Morbius, the Doctor engages in a mind-bending contest with Time Lord criminal Morbius and the feed of the Doctor€™s memories shows eight Doctors before William Hartnell, played by members of the story€™s technical crew including the story€™s co-writer Robert Holmes and long-standing directors Graeme Harper and Douglas Camfield. Which would make Tom Baker the Twelfth Doctor. While you could explain this away with several explanations like them actually being Morbius€™ Regenerations or an attempt by the Doctor to mislead Morbius, the fact remains that it was intended to establish the existence of Doctors before William Hartnell. Hence the initial attempts to use the images of famous actors before settling on getting the crew to fill in.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.