15 Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In Doctor Who

4. Oswin's Voice

While the inclusion of Oswin Oswald in Asylum Of The Daleks (2012) is an excellent plot point and Doctor Who€™s best kept secret in god knows how long despite there being an advanced screening of the episode (seriously, well done to everyone involved on that front), there€™s still a gaping hole in the story. Asylum hinges on the eventual reveal that Oswin is a human who has been converted to a Dalek but blocked it out because of how traumatic it was, thus still believing herself to be human. This is why the Doctor and Oswin never meet face-to-face before the climax. Because no matter what she thinks she is, she still has the body and suppressed mind of a Dalek. Worked out the mistake yet? Oswin constantly banters with Rory and the Doctor over the Asylum€™s intercom systems and they always hear the voice of a young woman. It's even a plot point in the 2012 Christmas Special. But Oswin is a Dalek. She looks like a Dalek and she sounds like a Dalek. So how do the dulcet tones of Jenna-Louise Coleman get through the intercom to the Doctor? Anyone got an explanation? Because we€™re completely stumped.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.