15 Behind The Scenes Images That Ruined Our Favourite TV Shows

The Walking Dead After a similar article about behind the scene images from movies that kind of ruined a lot of beloved classics for you, it only comes as a natural transition to do one about behind the scenes images that ruin your favourite TV shows. While I didn't do this with the previous article, I'd like to begin this one with an apology - your 'dear darlings' of television shows won't remain the same after you get through this list and I would sincerely like to beg forgiveness for it. Some of these TV shows have grown up with you, some have stuck around for as long as you can remember, and some, though relative newbies, have taken the world by storm. As they say about learning philosophy and reaching puberty, once you're through with it, nothing ever remains the same. This maxim would hold fort with this list too. And while you know that you shouldn't be hitting the next button, you'll do it anyway. It's an impulse. Your finger has an entity of its own. It's driving you nuts to hold it back. So without further ado, we begin with...

I'm Saahil from India and no, I don't own an elephant. I write. I think P. G. Wodehouse might just be the greatest author of all times. Manhattan was definitely Woody Allen's masterpiece (yes, over Annie Hall). The Shawshank Redemption is overrated. I love debating. I've always dreamed of shooting zombies with a sawed-off during an apocalypse. I own a dog. The Sixth Sense was a fluke. Sheldon Cooper is probably the worst TV character right now. I play table tennis. I am socially awkward. I don't know how to end this. My editor's probably going to cream me for this. But, whatever.