15 Behind The Scenes Images That Ruined Our Favourite TV Shows

15. Mad Men

Mad Men 2 There's nothing like a bunch of good, old cameras in a scene to ruin the moment for you. This one's like that object-counting game some of us used to play as children called 'How Many Can You Find?' or 'Count 'Em Quick!' or something equally hideous, depending on which part of the world you live in. I can spot about three of them. But clearly, from Don's expression, there seem to be a lot more. The Truman Show, anyone?

14. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy It took me a while to figure this out. And then it clicked. Two words that no true fan ever wants to associate with his favourite TV stars - stunt doubles. Here we see Alyson Hannigan sitting with her legs crossed, eerily staring at the camera. Her flaming red hair reflect the sun in all its magnificence. She doesn't look particularly pleased at having to do this. She wants to be with Marshal already. And there's the stunt double to her left, coolly dressed in black with a slight smirk playing on her lips; almost as if she's the real actress.

13. American Horror Story

American Horror Story I've mentioned this before that behind the scenes images of horror movies should be withheld from the public for their own good, due to the fact that it leaves such films bereft of every ounce of horror they're supposed to possess. The same principle can be extrapolated to television shows of the horror genre. It's disappointing to see characters that make you want to check the underside of your bed every night and give you nightmares as you sleep get reduced to such a mortal stature. But regardless of how ardently we cling onto our personal beliefs, images like these will make it onto the internet and scary, old hags with bust eyeballs will be made to look as tame as your younger brother's nanny.

I'm Saahil from India and no, I don't own an elephant. I write. I think P. G. Wodehouse might just be the greatest author of all times. Manhattan was definitely Woody Allen's masterpiece (yes, over Annie Hall). The Shawshank Redemption is overrated. I love debating. I've always dreamed of shooting zombies with a sawed-off during an apocalypse. I own a dog. The Sixth Sense was a fluke. Sheldon Cooper is probably the worst TV character right now. I play table tennis. I am socially awkward. I don't know how to end this. My editor's probably going to cream me for this. But, whatever.