15 Best Companions In Doctor Who History

13. Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding)

Also known as an assertive Australian air steward who wound up on an adventure in Logopolis with the Fourth Doctor when she was meant to be starting her new job at Heathrow. On top of that, the Doctor also regenerated.

Tegan was pretty much the bane of the Fifth Doctor's life and he found that his attempts to return her thwarted at every turn. Then when he did finally get her home, she got sacked and decided to rejoin him on the TARDIS anyway. Suffice to say, he was 'delighted'.

Their love-hate friendship eventually seemed to settle into a begrudgingly fond companionship, though. The Doctor's catchphrase at the time was €œBraveheart, Tegan€. He was sad to see her go in The Resurrection of the Daleks when she felt she could no longer travel with him after he had threatened to kill Davros.

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Scottish based writer with a slight obsession with the stranger side of life, and massive Doctor Who fan. I also write for The Spooky Isles (http://www.spookyisles.com/), The Modern Scotsman (http://modernscotsman.com/), and have my own blog of terrifying ghost stories from around the world , Ghostly Aspects (http://www.ghostlyaspects.blogspot.co.uk/).