15 Best Companions In Doctor Who History

14. Ian Chesterton (William Russell)

One of the first companions and Doctor Who's original action man. Ian was the science teacher from Coal Hill school who accidentally wound up on the TARDIS with Barbara back in 1963 when they went to find out more about their mysterious new pupil, Susan Foreman, in An Unearthly Child.

Ian accompanied the First Doctor for two years, pretty much getting the curmudgeonly Time Lord out of various scrapes involving Aztecs, Romans and cavemen. On the way, he became knighted Sir Ian of Jaffa by Richard the Lionheart.

In The Chase, Ian and Barbara managed to make their way back to 1960s London via a Dalek time machine, desperate for a pint, only to discover it was now 1965 and that the average bus fare had gone up. Damn.

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Scottish based writer with a slight obsession with the stranger side of life, and massive Doctor Who fan. I also write for The Spooky Isles (http://www.spookyisles.com/), The Modern Scotsman (http://modernscotsman.com/), and have my own blog of terrifying ghost stories from around the world , Ghostly Aspects (http://www.ghostlyaspects.blogspot.co.uk/).