15 Best Companions In Doctor Who History
10. Leela (Louise Jameson)
Another female companion who was no shrinking violet. In fact Leela, who first appeared in The Face of Evil as the new companion to the Fourth Doctor, could more than look after herself, being a warrior from the Sevateem tribe.
A prime example of a typical Leela moment can be seen in The Talons of Weng-Chiang. A gangster is trying to kill the Doctor and Leela quickly resolves the situation by offing the gangster with a Janus thorn. Not that she gets much thanks for it. In fact, the Doctor is a little troubled by Leela's warrior tendencies and tries to rein her in, albeit not very successfully.
Leela left the TARDIS in The Invasion of Time when she decided to stay on Gallifrey after falling in love with Andred, a member of the Chancellery Guard. Cuties.