15 Best Companions In Doctor Who History

7. Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)

One of the strongest companions of the modern era, Donna at first seems to be a rather superficial character who can't see the world beyond herself. She meets Mr Wonderful on her wedding day during her first appearance in The Runaway Bride, only it's not the groom but the Tenth Doctor who ultimately manages to steal her heart. Not in that way, of course.

Donna opts not to accept the titular Time Lord's offer to travel time, however, but soon lives to regret her decision. She is finally reunited with a series later in Partners in Crime and their subsequent travels make Donna realise her personal worth as she becomes the Doctor's 'best mate'. They are also a fantastic double team which helps.

It all ends in heartbreak, though, when the Doctor is forced to wipe her mind after the effects of becoming the €œDoctorDonna€ started to kill her. Donna made a final appearance in The End of Time, Part Two in which she finally gets the happily ever after she deserves.

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Scottish based writer with a slight obsession with the stranger side of life, and massive Doctor Who fan. I also write for The Spooky Isles (http://www.spookyisles.com/), The Modern Scotsman (http://modernscotsman.com/), and have my own blog of terrifying ghost stories from around the world , Ghostly Aspects (http://www.ghostlyaspects.blogspot.co.uk/).