15 BEST Game Of Thrones Season 8 Theories
4. Daenerys Dies In Childbirth
Daenerys Targaryen is the Mother of Dragons and, as she says, they’re the only children she’ll ever have. In fact, the idea that Dany can’t have children is made such a big deal of in Season 7 that it’s almost certain she not only can, but will. It’s Jon who questions what the witch told her, and Jon whom she has sex with at the season’s close.
Mirri Maz Duur’s full prophecy didn’t make it into the show, but the statements about Dany suggest that they might be canon: “When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.” The 'he' in question there is, of course, Khal Drogo. He’s the person Daenerys loves, and it’s their child who was supposed to be the Stallion Who Mounts The World. Dany sacrificed so much once to bring Drogo back, and she then had a vision of them in the House of the Undying. That ought to mean something, and perhaps it’s her endpoint.
Jon and Dany are the two biggest characters on the show. Together, they represent ice and fire, and their child would then be a song of ice and fire. Them having a child lays the foundation for Westeros’ future, but this story, which has been so filled with death, can’t end with both of them surviving. Jon’s already died once. Daenerys has long believed it is her right to rule the Seven Kingdoms, so how much more powerful would it be if she instead sacrifices herself for them? If she’s injured in the final battle, and then gives birth to their child before dying.
Dying in childbirth is a big part of Game of Thrones. It’s imagery linked to Lyanna Stark, when birthing Jon, but it also happened to Dany’s mother too (and Tyrion’s for that matter). It’s death to bring life. It’s another example of things going full circle. It’s bittersweet. And it means Dany’s ending isn’t with Jon or on the Iron Throne, it’s being reunited with Drogo and Rhaego, her true love and first child. Like the House of the Undying, she passed through the Wall, into Snow, and then meets her real family.