15 Best The Simpsons Songs Ever

5. Doctor Zaius

His performance in The Planet Of The Apes musical is possibly Troy McClure’s best moment. He had quite a few of them in his relatively short tenure in Springfield, but it would certainly be in the equation. One thing that’s definitely true is that the show was robbed of an amazing character after voice actor Phil Hartmann’s tragic murder.

On a lighter note, the Doctor Zaius part of the musical is easily the high point. The apes dancing only makes it better too. Troy’s exceedingly hammy delivery is always gold, and it is used to perfection here. The best part of Doctor Zaius is that it’s a reminder of the glory days when every risk the show pulled off just worked.

In the most recent seasons, we’ve seen a musical based on Lisa & Marge’s indie comic and Bart’s near death experience. Despite the talents of Gal Gadot and Jonathan Groff involved in the latter, both fell a little flat.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that the show has declined in quality. However, seeing how flawlessly they pulled off the Planet Of The Apes musical is just an example of that in motion.

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The Simpsons
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