15 Best TV Moments Of 2017
4. Can You Taste The Ice-Cream, Mom? - BoJack Horseman
BoJack Horseman's fourth season was different in a lot of ways, with a change in approach to the storytelling that included more flashbacks to the past and exploring characters outside of their connection to BoJack. Where it remained the same, however, was in its ability to completely crush you in an instant.
Time's Arrow showcased that better than any other, and the moment that truly seals it comes at the end, with BoJack dropping off his mother, Beatrice, who suffers from dementia, at a new care home. With her mental state deteriorating, BoJack, as they sit in a small, run-down room, paints a picture of her being back in Michigan, at the old Sugarman place. "Can you taste the ice-cream, mom?" he asks.
That's when it really hits you. Beatrice, of course, was never allowed ice-cream, but plays along nonetheless: "Oh BoJack, it's so delicious." Two people lying to each other to provide a small comfort, and spare them from the agonising pain caused by time's arrow. It's heartbreaking even just writing about it.