15 Creepiest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Creatures

6. Anne Pratt

Appeared in: Lies My Parents Told Me (Season 7, Episode 17) The type of creepy that sweet-old-lady-turned-vampire Anne personifies is a very different kind of creepy from most others on this list but, nonetheless, creepy it is. Let us explain... Back in Victorian times, newly-sired vampire the foppish William Pratt wished to use his gift to cure his ailing mother of her illness and give her immortality - that way the devoted mother and son could spend eternity together. However, things did not exactly go to plan. The vampire Anne was a very different person. Mocking her son for his attachment to her, she tries to seduce William before he, in disgust at what his beloved mother has become, is forced to stake her. This event traumatises William for centuries and haunts him even after his transformation into Buffy's enemy and lover (though not at the same time) Spike. Anne finds a place on this list as her character demonstrates the extent that vampirism corrupts humanity, turning even the meekest elderly mother into a sadistic monster. Plus, you know, she tried to seduce her son.

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